****************************************************** ** QuakeOn ** ** ** ** Windows 95/NT Front End for Quake ** ** http://quakeon.stomped.com ** ** Version: 0.96 Beta ** ****************************************************** ** ** ** by Brian Kelly ** ** a.k.a. Fragbert ** ** ** ** Additional Support by Greg Bronzert ** ** a.k.a. Hobbes ** ** ** ** Special Thanks To: ** ** Scott "SysWiz" Andrews ** ** Scott "Blecht" Benoit ** ** Sabotage ** ** ** ** Console Commands by Daniel Rinehart: ** ** www.ccs.neu.edu/home/danielr/quake/console.html ** ** ** ****************************************************** ** Quake is a registered trademark of id Software ** ****************************************************** ** This program is freeware, and may be freely ** ** distributed to your little heart's content. ** ** Just make sure that you distribute all included ** ** files (including this readme file) in their ** ** original, unmodified form. Thanks! ** ****************************************************** ----------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- - BIG HYPE SECTION - Description/Features - Release Notes - Upgrading QuakeOn - Installing QuakeOn - Using QuakeOn - Uninstalling QuakeOn - Using QuakeOn - Final Stuff - Legal Mumbo-Jumbo *********************************************************** ** BIG HYPE SECTION ** *********************************************************** ** ** ** LAUNCH QUAKE FROM THE SYSTEM TRAY! ** ** ** ** GET TIPS FROM HELPING HEAD, THE FRIENDLIEST CHUNK OF ** ** FLESH ON YOUR DESKTOP! ** ** ** ** CHECK OUT COOL SCREENSHOTS, FEATURES, AND INFO AT: ** ** http://quakeon.stomped.com ** ** ** *********************************************************** -------------------- Description/Features -------------------- QuakeOn is a front end for id Software's Quake. It allows you to create QuakeSets - named groups of settings for launching Quake. QuakeOn has the following new and unique (as far as we know) features: Launch Quake from the System Tray --------------------------------- If you want, QuakeOn can put the little "Q" icon in your system tray (where the clock is). Then you can go about your business, and when you need to play Quake RIGHT NOW, just right-click on the icon. You will get a popup menu listing the QuakeSets that you've created. Just select one, and you're playing Quake. And for all you Quake-At-Work types (you know who you are), you can change the icon and tool tip text so that it looks more... uh... "business focused". The Helping Head, "The Friendliest Chunk of Flesh on your Desktop" ------------------------------------------------------------------ Uh... you should prob'ly just download it and see for yourself. It's kinda like the Office 97 Assistant. With an attitude. Great Map Support ----------------- QuakeOn will find all available maps for you, whether they are in PAK files, or stand-alone BSP files. It also gives you the name/message of the map (i.e., " Satan's Dark Delight"). Patch Explorer -------------- The Patch Explorer allows you to examine files in your patch directories. Get the details of your saved games, hear sounds, browse through pak files (extract files, too!). You can also create, edit, and view config and other text files. Console Help ------------ Can't remember all those crazy console commands? Use console help to browse, search, and filter through the hundreds of powerful commands at your disposal. ------------- Release Notes ------------- This section was getting huge. So now the "release notes" (which were always just my worklog) can now be found in the file worklog.txt, which is patiently waiting for you in your QuakeOn directory. ----------------- Upgrading QuakeOn ----------------- Just unzip the qon_XXXpat.zip (where XXX is the version number) to the directory where you installed QuakeOn and let it replace all the files it wants to. ------------------ Installing QuakeOn ------------------ I was originally planning for QuakeOn to be one of those download the .exe and then download the support files if you need 'em type thing. But then it wouldn't properly register the ActiveX controls, now would it? And we can't have that, can we? Of course not. Future releases will be available in full-blown setup programs and friendly, byte-sized patch upgrades. For now, here's what you do: Unzip the zip file. You'll get a self-extracting setup program ("qon_XXXins.exe" where XXX is the version) and this readme file. Run "qon_XXXins.exe". It's a standard InstallShield installation. You may now launch QuakeOn! ------------- Using QuakeOn ------------- Um... I hope it's really self-explanatory. The Head will give you a few useful tips, but he's not complete yet. If you have any clear, well-thought out questions, please feel free to e-mail me. If you have any dumb-ass questions, please feel free to mail Hobbes (let's see if he actually proofs the whole readme file like he's supposed to). Our e-mail addresses appear at the top of this document. -------------------- Uninstalling QuakeOn -------------------- If you need to get QuakeOn off your system, here's what you do: - Go to the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel - Select QuakeOn - Click the Add/Remove button - You'll need to remove the "quakeon.ini" file from your QuakeOn directory - If you have time and a decent command of the English language, please e-mail me and let me know why QuakeOn wasn't the front end for you. ----------- Final Stuff ----------- I can't believe you actually read this far. Wow. I hope you like QuakeOn, and I appreciate your feedback. Thanks for your support, Brian ----------------- Legal Mumbo-Jumbo ----------------- THIS SOFTWARE AND ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS (INCLUDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE) ARE PROVIDES "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. FURTHER, WE DO NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE, OR THE RESULTS OF USE, OF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIALS IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS, OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY YOU. IF THE SOFTWARE OR WRITTEN MATERIALS ARE DEFECTIVE YOU, AND NOT QUAKEON OR ITS DEALERS, DISTRIBUTORS, AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES, ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. NEITHER QUAKEON NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION OR DELIVERY OF THIS PRODUCT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, AND THE LIKE) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH PRODUCT EVEN IF QUAKEON HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.